Thursday Sep 12, 2024
4:15 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
4:15 - 5:00 PM: Meet & Greet: Enjoy light refreshments, provided by NuVu Fuels (Manistee), with the opportunity to converse and mingle with contested and uncontested candidates.
5:00 to 8:30 PM: Candidate Forum: The program will be divided into three forums in the following order: contested State Representative (102nd District) candidates; contested County Commissioner candidates; contested City Council candidates.
West Shore Community College - Manistee Center
400 River Street
Manistee, MI 49660
Complimentary, RSVP required
Carmen Kott
Send Email
UPDATE: At this time, the forum has filled up its limited seating! Individuals interested in RSVPing for the forum may still do so, but will be put on a waiting list; we will contact you if a spot becomes available. Please know that the forum is being recorded and will be shared with the public soon after the forum date.
The Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce invites you to our nonpartisan Candidate Forum for the contested State Representative, County Commissioner and City Council seats, to explore candidates' stances on policies and issues that impact the business community.
Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Location: WSCC Downtown Manistee Center, 400 River Street, Manistee MI
We have confirmation that the following contested candidates will be in attendance:
State Representative Forum
102nd District
Representative Curt VanderWall
Challenger Kathy Pelleran-Mahoney
County Commissioner Forum
District 2
Commissioner Richard Schmidt
Challenger Alin Kuuttila
District 7
Shayne Machen
Nate Markham
City Council Forum
1st District
Julia Raddatz
Thad Taylor
3rd District
Councilmember Cindy Lundberg*
Challenger Liz Laskey
5th District
Councilmember Seth Pratt
Challenger Kay Keck
7th District
David Blair
Lani Rozga*
*Cindy Lundberg and Lani Rozga have confirmed to attend the City Council Forum remotely over Zoom and will not be physically present at the forum.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
400 River Street, Manistee, MI 49660 – (231) 723-2575 –