Tuesday May 10, 2022
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
400 River Street
Manistee, MI 49660
Complimentary / Advanced registration is required. The last day to register is May 5th, 2022.
*Up to 5 people per establishment (business or organization) in the Manistee County
Carmen Kott
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The Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Customer Service Experience Workshop to build on your employee’s strengths and be in the know about everything Manistee County! They will walk away with an enhanced skill set to represent your business, the community, and provide guests with the best overall experience. Our goal is to make Manistee County a Community of Choice for visitors and employees.
This opportunity is targeted at the service, retail, restaurant, or lodging industries as the first point of contact for our guests visiting Manistee County.
The training will assist with building on an employee's strengths and make the challenges they face easier. Employees will hone in on their customer service skills and professional development to elevate the experience in our county for visitors and locals.
They will also have an opportunity to take the Guest Service Gold Tourism Online Program and Certification on behalf of the American Lodging & Restaurant Association as a part of attending this workshop. If your employee attends the workshop and passes the certification they will be entered into a drawing for an opportunity to win the grand prize. You as a business owner will receive marketing for all employees that pass the certification and be recognized as a business with exceptional customer service!
This training workshop and certification is complimentary for anyone that would like to attend. The Chamber received a grant from Consumers Energy Foundation and we are excited to support this opportunity for professional development.
Printed courtesy of www.manisteechamber.com/ – Contact the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
400 River Street, Manistee, MI 49660 – (231) 723-2575 – Programs@manisteechamber.com