Friday Nov 18, 2022 Saturday Nov 19, 2022
November 18 and 19, 2022, 8:00am to 5:00pm
American Legion Post 531 located at 18483 Cadillac Highway, Copemish, MI.
Public free admission, Vendor space $35 for one day, $50 for two days.
Contact Shannon Saunders for application and more details 231 285-1466.
Copemish Craft Show! Come in and do your holiday shopping and find your treasures! Vendors wanted, space includes 8 foot table and 2 chairs. Lunch $8.00 one or both days provided by American Legion Auxiliary. Must be homemade crafted items. Event is part of Pomona Bible Church Community Outreach with proceeds from vendor spaces going to help community with home health aide needs to recover at home as well as working with Benzie council/Commission on Aging. $35.00 8x10 space with 8 foot table one day and 2 chairs; $50.00 both days and 8 foot table with 2 chairs. Contact Shannon Saunders for application and more details 231 285-1466. American Legion Post 531 located at 18483 Cadillac Highway, Copemish, MI.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
400 River Street, Manistee, MI 49660 – (231) 723-2575 –